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Swainson's Hawk

January 17, 2024

The Swainson's Hawk, scientifically known as Buteo swainsoni, is a majestic raptor that graces the skies of North and South America. With its striking appearance and impressive aerial acrobatics, this medium-sized hawk captures the attention of bird enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Characterized by a combination of light and dark plumage, Swainson's Hawks are renowned for their distinctive, fan-shaped tails and keen hunting skills. As dedicated migratory birds, they embark on remarkable journeys, covering vast distances during their annual migrations between breeding grounds in North America and wintering areas in South America. Join me on a journey to explore the fascinating world of the Swainson's Hawk, a creature that symbolizes the beauty and resilience of avian life in the Americas.


Size and Shape

The Swainson's Hawk, scientific name Buteo swainsoni, is a large, robust raptor falling under the Buteo genus, characterized by their broad, rounded wings and short, wide tails. When fully mature, Swainson's Hawks display a considerable size range. The females are generally larger than the males, which is a common phenomenon among birds of prey known as reverse sexual dimorphism. Adults usually have a body length between 43 to 56 cm and a wingspan ranging from 117 to 137 cm, roughly akin to the size of a common red-tailed hawk. While the male's weight can range from 630 to 1,000 grams, the female hawks can weigh anywhere from 970 to 1,300 grams. This size and weight make them one of the largest in the Buteo genus.

As for the shape, these birds have relatively long and pointed wings, unlike their fellow Buteos. The wings are narrow and tapered, allowing them to glide effortlessly during their extensive migrations. The tail is also notably long, with a rounded or slightly notched end. When perched, the body appears slender, and the head, somewhat small in comparison to the body, tends to give them a lanky appearance. The legs and talons, well-suited for seizing prey, are robust and sturdy, reflecting the Swainson's Hawk's predatory lifestyle.


Color Pattern

Swainson's Hawks display a striking variety of color patterns, resulting in two main color morphs - light and dark. This variation in color, known as polymorphism, contributes significantly to the identification of this species, which can sometimes be challenging for bird watchers and ornithologists. Light-morph adults are characterized by a creamy or white underbelly, contrasting with a dark, chocolate-brown chest band. The upperparts, including the wings and back, are typically dark brown. One unique feature is their distinctive "bib" - a patch of dark feathers across the chest and throat.

Dark-morph adults, on the other hand, exhibit a uniformly dark chocolate-brown or sooty grey color across their body and wings, often appearing almost black from a distance. The underwings may show a lighter, grey-brown tone, offering some contrast to the overall dark appearance. Both morphs possess a prominent, white patch at the base of their primaries – the long flight feathers on the wings. Their eyes are typically dark brown, and the beak is a dull yellow with a black tip. Juveniles possess a more muted version of adult coloration, with their underparts streaked heavily with brown.



Swainson's Hawks are well known for their migratory behavior, undertaking one of the longest migrations of any American raptor. They breed in North America, then travel south to spend the winter in South America, a round trip of up to 20,000 kilometers. This journey requires exceptional endurance and navigational skills, which these hawks display in abundance. Their hunting style is diverse and adaptable. Swainson's Hawks are equally adept at capturing prey while soaring in the air or hunting from a perch. They primarily feed on small mammals, insects, and birds. However, their diet can change drastically depending on the season and availability of food sources. For instance, during their migration, they switch to a diet mainly consisting of insects.

In terms of breeding behavior, these hawks form monogamous pairs that return to the same nesting territory each year. They lay one to three eggs annually, and both parents participate in incubation and feeding of the chicks. Interestingly, juvenile Swainson's Hawks may gather in large groups, known as "creches," a behavior rarely seen in other raptors. Swainson's Hawks are relatively quiet but can produce an array of vocalizations, particularly during the breeding season. These calls range from high-pitched whistles to harsh screams and are often used to communicate between mates or signal the presence of threats.



Swainson's Hawks thrive in a wide variety of habitats throughout North and South America. During the breeding season, they favor open habitats such as prairies, desert grasslands, and agricultural fields in the western and central parts of North America. They build their nests in trees or tall shrubs, often near water sources. Wintering grounds for these birds are predominantly in Argentina, but they have been observed throughout Central and South America. During this period, they frequent open areas including pampas, scrublands, and agricultural fields, displaying a considerable amount of adaptability in habitat choice.

Interestingly, migration sees them roosting communally in large numbers, often in hundreds or even thousands, primarily in riparian zones or other areas with adequate tree cover. This communal behavior has led to some memorable sights for bird watchers, with massive groups of Swainson's Hawks filling the sky. While these hawks are adaptable to various habitats, they face challenges due to habitat loss. Agricultural intensification, deforestation, and urban development have led to a decrease in their population in some areas, underscoring the importance of habitat conservation efforts.



  1. The Swainson's Hawk is named after William Swainson, a British naturalist and illustrator. He was a prolific figure in the field of zoology during the 19th century, and this bird is one of many species named in his honor.
  2. These hawks undertake one of the longest migrations of any raptor, traveling up to 20,000 kilometers round trip between their North American breeding grounds and South American wintering grounds.
  3. The diet of Swainson's Hawks changes dramatically with the seasons. They feed mainly on small mammals and birds during the breeding season but switch to a diet predominantly consisting of insects during migration and winter.
  4. Swainson's Hawks are known to gather in massive groups during migration, sometimes numbering in the thousands. These groups, called "kettles," can be an awe-inspiring sight when they lift off together from a roost.
  5. Despite being capable hunters, Swainson's Hawks have been known to follow agricultural machinery to catch insects and small mammals disturbed by the machinery's movement. This opportunistic behavior underscores their adaptability.


Ecosystem Services

Swainson's Hawks contribute significantly to the ecosystems they inhabit, providing numerous ecological services that maintain a balanced environment. As apex predators, they play a crucial role in controlling the population of small mammals and insects. By preying on species such as mice, voles, and various insects, they help prevent these populations from becoming too large and causing damage to local flora or spreading diseases.

During their extensive migration, these hawks can have broad ecological impacts across multiple ecosystems. Their predation on insect populations, especially during migration and wintering periods, can influence insect community dynamics and contribute to pest control, indirectly supporting agricultural systems. Their nests, often built in trees or large shrubs, can provide secondary homes for other wildlife. Once the hawks have finished using a nest, it might be occupied by other bird species, squirrels, or other small mammals. Moreover, their role as a bioindicator species should not be overlooked. Changes in the Swainson's Hawk population can signal alterations in environmental conditions, prompting researchers to investigate potential issues such as pesticide exposure or habitat loss.



The Swainson's Hawk is a testament to the wonders of nature. From its impressive size and striking color patterns to its exceptional migratory behavior, every aspect of this bird contributes to its unique appeal. Its adaptability to diverse habitats and changing food sources showcases a remarkable level of resilience. Understanding the essential role these birds play in their ecosystems, from being apex predators to acting as bioindicators, underscores the importance of their conservation. It is our responsibility to ensure the protection of their habitats and their safe passage during migration. The world of the Swainson's Hawk is full of fascinating insights, teaching us not only about this specific species but also about broader ecological processes and the intricacies of bird migration. Studying and protecting this winged wanderer ultimately contributes to the wellbeing of our shared planet.