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Scarlet Tanager

November 15, 2023

There's a certain kind of magic to birds. They capture our attention with their beautiful colors, distinct shapes, and fascinating behaviors. Among the thousands of bird species found in the world, the Scarlet Tanager holds a special place. With its stunning red plumage and captivating song, it is truly a sight (and sound) to behold. In this blog, we aim to dive deeper into the characteristics and life of the Scarlet Tanager, discussing its physical features, behaviors, habitat, facts, and the role it plays in the ecosystem. Join us on this educational journey, and let's learn more about this wonderful bird.


Size and Shape

The Scarlet Tanager is a medium-sized bird, with a typical body length ranging from 6.3 to 6.7 inches and a wingspan of about 9.5 to 11.8 inches. Its body is robust yet streamlined, embodying the essence of efficient aerodynamics that define most bird species. It sports a fairly round head with a large eye, which provides a keen sense of sight that's essential for its survival in the wild.

The Scarlet Tanager's beak is short, stout, and pointed, perfectly adapted for its diet of insects and fruit. Its legs and feet are proportionate to its body size, enabling it to perch and move effortlessly on branches. The wings are relatively broad and rounded, which facilitates the bird's strong, direct flight. The tail is of moderate length, with a squared or slightly notched end, depending on the individual.

Unlike some other birds, there is no significant size difference between male and female Scarlet Tanagers. However, there is a substantial difference in their plumage coloration, which we'll delve into next. This sexual dimorphism is typical in the bird world, serving key roles in mating displays and territorial disputes.


Color Pattern

One of the most captivating attributes of the Scarlet Tanager is its color pattern. The male of the species is resplendent in a bright, scarlet red body color, from which the bird derives its name. It is an almost fluorescent hue that shines out in the green forests where they live, creating a stark contrast that's impossible to miss. Complementing this vivid body color are its black wings and tail, further enhancing its striking appearance.

On the other hand, the females and immature birds display a substantially different color scheme. Their plumage is primarily olive-yellow, with darker wings and tail. This less conspicuous coloration helps them blend into the foliage better, providing a layer of protection from predators while nesting or foraging on the forest floor.

The color pattern of the Scarlet Tanager changes with the seasons. Come autumn, the male loses its bright red feathers and takes on a greenish-yellow plumage similar to the female's, a phenomenon known as seasonal dimorphism. This transformation aids the bird in staying camouflaged during the non-breeding season, enhancing its chances of survival.



Observing the behavior of the Scarlet Tanager can provide a fascinating glimpse into its daily life and survival strategies. They are primarily solitary birds, often seen alone or in small groups during the breeding season. Their diet consists of a mix of insects, berries, and fruits, reflecting their opportunistic foraging behavior.

The Scarlet Tanager is diurnal, most active during the day, and it often forages in the middle to upper levels of the forest canopy. They hunt by watching from a perch, then flying out to catch insects in mid-air or pluck them from the foliage. They've been known to consume a variety of insects, including beetles, ants, wasps, and even larger prey like dragonflies.

Breeding behavior in Scarlet Tanagers is of particular interest. The male attracts a female by singing a melodious song, often described as a "robin with a sore throat." Once mated, the pair stays together for the season. The female builds the nest, usually choosing a horizontal branch well hidden in the canopy, and incubates the eggs while the male guards the nest and brings her food.



The Scarlet Tanager inhabits deciduous forests across Eastern and Midwest North America during the breeding season, ranging from southern Canada to the Gulf Coast. They prefer large, unbroken tracts of forest where they can find ample food and suitable nesting sites. Their preferred habitats include mature oak forests, mixed oak and pine forests, and riparian corridors.

During migration, Scarlet Tanagers can be found in a wider variety of habitats, including forests, parks, and gardens. They tend to stay high up in the canopy, so they're not always easy to spot despite their colorful plumage. These birds are long-distance migrants, wintering in the tropical rainforests of northwestern South America, from Panama to Bolivia. This habitat provides a plentiful supply of fruits and insects to sustain them through the winter months.

It's important to note that the Scarlet Tanager's habitat is under threat from deforestation and fragmentation, both in their breeding grounds and wintering territories. This has led to population declines in some areas, highlighting the need for conservation efforts to protect their habitats.



  1. Despite their vibrant coloration, Scarlet Tanagers can be difficult to spot because they often stay high up in the forest canopy.
  2. The song of the Scarlet Tanager has been likened to a robin with a sore throat due to its unique, raspy tone.
  3. The diet of Scarlet Tanagers changes throughout the year. During the breeding season, they eat mostly insects, while in their wintering grounds, they consume a lot of fruit.
  4. Male Scarlet Tanagers experience a dramatic change in plumage color during the fall, shifting from bright red to greenish-yellow.
  5. Scarlet Tanagers are long-distance migrants, traveling thousands of miles between their breeding and wintering habitats.


Ecosystem Services

The Scarlet Tanager plays a significant role in the ecosystem through its feeding habits. By eating a wide variety of insects, they help to control pest populations in the forests they inhabit. This can benefit the trees and other plants in their habitat, contributing to a healthier, more balanced ecosystem.

Furthermore, as they feed on fruits and berries, Scarlet Tanagers assist in seed dispersal. They consume the fruits, and the seeds pass through their digestive system unharmed, ending up in a different location from where they were consumed. This can help with the propagation and genetic diversity of many plant species.

Lastly, the Scarlet Tanager, like many other bird species, serves as an important indicator of ecosystem health. Changes in their population size or distribution can provide early warnings about habitat degradation or other environmental issues, prompting necessary conservation actions.



In the realm of birds, the Scarlet Tanager stands out not only for its radiant coloration but also for its captivating behaviors and significant role in the ecosystem. Its existence is tightly interwoven with the forests it inhabits, making it an integral part of these environments. While threats like deforestation and habitat fragmentation pose challenges, it's crucial to appreciate and conserve these splendid birds. They truly embody the wonder of nature and the intricate web of life. So, the next time you're in the forest, look up and listen closely; you might just spot a flash of red or hear the unique song of the Scarlet Tanager.